Episode 8: You are a Miracle

Wise Women Podcast with Betsy.jpg

In this episode, Alisha Interviews Betsy Bertram of Townsend Bertram and Company. 

Betsy talks to Alisha about how we are all terminal, knowing that you should expect miracles and that you are a miracle. She also reminds us to be authentic and how to do that. Betsy talks about how difficult it can be to go against the grain but to trust yourself.

Episode Notes:

Sponsor: Emerge Skin Therapy 

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For More information about Betsy Bertram you can visit her Website here

Here are some of the topics we touch on in this episode.  
Townsend Bertram and Company is an Adventure Outfitter that views themselves as an entity of the community not just retail. 
Building a values-based business
The most exciting part of embarking on carrying on a legacy business. 
Fresh perspective with partnerships
The gift of being aware of how short your time on earth is creates an immediacy to life
A heightened sense of awareness
Life is fleeting even when you don’t know what your end date is
We’re all terminal
Father’s death shifted her thinking to value time over money, relationships over things
”We think we have forever and we push off the bigger asks of the universe, and I feel the sense of immediacy to do the things I’m meant to do while I’m on this planet”.
Going to a treatment center for grief and disordered eating
What changed her mind from not wanting to talk about going to a treatment center to wanting to share about the experience
Went into the treatment center feeling shame and grief and realized that if I didn’t tell my story I was perpetuating the paradigm. 
Helping women open up about how we perceive ourselves.
If I can share my story and it can help one person that’s enough for me.
You’re a miracle.  Every single person in a miracle.
Saying no so that I can say yes to the things that are important.
No is a complete sentence it is permission to say yes to what is really important
Paper planners are powerful
Are the things on the calendar what’s really important.
When you rush there is no space for Joy
One of the hardest things in life is to go against the grain
Trust Yourself
Be an authentic human being
Authenticity brings success, recognition and the relationships we want to have
What we embody we attract
Be Authentic.  What does it mean to be authentic?  When my words thoughts and actions are in alignment.  In alignment with each other.  When what I’m thinking, saying and doing are in a continuous thread. 
Act from inner wisdom instead of outer pressure.
An example of what it means to live and die with Grace and Humility.


Episode 9: Telling Other Peoples Stories


Podcast Episode 7: The Life of a Food Blogger