Episode 108: The Golden Thread That Weaves All Of Us Together With Tracey Nicole Hayes


In this episode, Alisha is sharing her conversation with Dr. Tracy Nicole Hayes, about her 24 years in active military, ghost writing and “the golden thread that weaves us all together”.

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Episode 108 Notes:

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Episode 108 Show Notes:
24 active duty years in the United States Navy
In second career freelance ghost-writing editing and writing
We’re asking you, but we don’t need you.
Impacting lives on a daily basis through counseling in the military. 
Causality assistance program
The Navy allowed me to have many experiences in a short period of time
Came in wanting to be a fighter pilot
Director of a counseling center during 9/11 for the military
Moving from career in the military to writing
Inspired by Harriet the Spy, wanted to be Harriet the Spy
Was a speech writer for an admiral and a dean at the writing academy
People with gifts often don’t realize that those are gifts because they come so easy to them.
Writing as a second career
Like memoir, stories of encouragement, stories of overcoming and triumph
There are a lot of tears when I’m ghost writing because I want to get into what were you thinking then?
What is it like to step into someone else’s story?
Our connectedness as humanity, I can see a piece of myself from each of them.
Able to sit in that moment with them. 
Not have sympathy but have empathy for the triumph
I see the golden thread that weaves all of us together.
Sit in silence
Our worlds are noisy, you have to sit in silence
If we all listen to our own inner voice, the voice speaking within us, guiding us, speaking in us…
Just listen
When you create a space for presence you allow the magic to come in.
Foundational principles on how to approach your craft
It starts with listening and being silent and waiting for your self to speak to you. 
When you’re called mommy: http://www.jhwritingplus.com/dr-sophie-foster-books
Doing Foster Care
Everyone has a book inside of them and they need to share!
You don’t have enough time to make all the mistakes yourself and you need to share.
Writing and reading can take you to all different worlds
Do you know that to be true?
“Offense is a wasted emotion”
Learn more about Dr. Nicole Hayes HERE: http://www.jhwritingplus.com


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