Episode 71: Ingredients For A Magical Life

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In this episode, Alisha has a conversation with Betsy Bertram about the cosmic beginning of their friendship, turning grief into art, and Betsy’s upcoming documentary “Captain Scott B. And The Ingredients For A Magical Life.

Journaling Prompts from Episode 71

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Episode 71 Notes:

Sponsor: Fike + Co.

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Check out the extended trailer and more information for Betsy’s Upcoming documentary here

Betsy Bertram was originally on way back on Episode 8, “You Are a Miracle”
Making Mandalas
The Year of the travel
The cosmic meeting of Betsy and Alisha Wielfaert
Three Sisters swamp
Cypress trees have a root system that connect for miles that keep the species strong
Life is so beautiful
Death teaches you how much you don’t know
It’s an invitation to invite in curiosity at the unfolding of life
Platonic life partnership: PLP
Healing loss by helping each other
The loss of the idea and of the dream and the future that you’d imagined
”Life is full of loss, and full of coming to terms with that loss and finding a way to reconnect to a state of grace and loving life and not letting the suffering be a dimming of your spirit but rather as fuel that feeds your inner flame of who you are and radiates stronger because of the struggle.”
Zooming in on the positive
We don’t know how much time we get here.
If we spend out time worried about how much time we have here, we miss what matters.
Transition to appreciation mindset.
Exhausting to revisit the most painful moments of your life on a camera.
Creating something people can connect to and reconnect to a sense of wonder and awe.
Turning grief into art.
Things worth doing take a lot longer than you’d planned on investing.
Not letting the slower pace of unfolding deter you from doing something. 
It’s less about how much we accomplish and more about the depth at which we are able to have a relationship with ourselves so that we can have a deeper connection with others and a deeper connect with the natural world.  In touch with emotions
Coaching creates space for everything that is.  And we don’t often to do that for
Life needs more space.
When you’re grieving you need more space to adjust to a new reality.
You can do one of two things with grief, you can process it or you can put it in a box.  But you don’t’ get rid of the box. 
Disease: The absence of ease
Our time here is limited and fleeting: It can be terrifying or it can be the motivation to live with
Choosing to see the world not through a dusty lens
If we can master our thoughts and re-attune our internal dialog to more positive patterns, we can change our lives.
I want the watching of Captain Scott B. and the ingredients of a magical life to be a healing process in it’s self.
No matter how alone you feel you in your pain and your suffering you are not alone.
Love Transends all.
It’s not about just getting through life.  It’s about truly building a life you love and expressing yourself through whatever creative informs inspires you. 
My biggest hope is that this film inspires you create the life you want to live and live with deep connection. Connection is the antidote to the suffering.  It’s our connection that gives us our strength.  Leaning into the discomfort, and leaning knowing that you’re leaning into so much support.
Tools I’ve gained on this journey for facing loss. 
When we can be like the trees and hold onto each other and knowing that we are loved and nurtured.
It’s less about survival of the fittest and more about survival of the nurtured.
Obsession with doing and controlling
Collage of moments: Little views into that last year…
Ingredients of living a meaningful life. Yet the recipe is still forming.
The depth of sadness
What would our dads tell us make a magical life. Planting apple trees, farming or gardening, and doing something every day to help others. 
Forgive everything. 
In the grieving process.  A big part of it is forgiveness
Forgive in order to reconnect to love!
Eat more bread and butter
No Matter what loss you’ve experienced in your life, you take a moment to give yourself love and soften into whatever feelings that arise for you knowing that we’ve been there, we’re all going to be there
We don’t get over it.
The loss doesn’t get smaller, but our lives get big again.
Life keeps happening and it starts to expand again
Where your attention goes your energy goes. 
Opening to the fullness of life.
The journey of the self through grief is one of reconfiguration and stepping into the unknown, and being stripped of identity.
Loss of a part of our identity.
Loss of knowing who I was in the world.
Grief is the greatest teacher. 

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