Episode 74: The Imposter Complex with Tanya Geisler

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In this episode, Alisha has a conversation with Tanya Geisler about the imposter complex, it’s 12 lies, 6 behavioral traits and what to do about it!

Journaling Prompts from Episode 74

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E74 Prompt 2.png
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Episode 74 Notes:

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Pauline Clamps Suzanne Hines
Incapable of internalizing success
Only caulking success up to luck
Completely able to internalize failures
Imposter Complex is a not a syndrome because it’s not pathology.
This is an instrument of evolution
The Complex is a part of our need to belong.   
Everything about the complex is relational.
Keeps us out of action, doubting our capacity, and alone and isolated.
There are thousands of layers to the complex
Most people who experience the imposter complex have mastery, integrity and excellence
The imposter complex shows up at the precipice of our expansion.
We might be having a shared space but we’re not having a shared experience
Podcast: Ready Enough
12 lies of the imposter complex
6 behavioral traits of the imposter complex
Everything you have done, created survived and lived through has prepared you for this moment, so ready enough
Desiree Adaway :Liberatory consciousness
All Roads lead to the imposter complex

12 Lies of the imposter complex:

  • Self-doubt is proof of your inadequacy  

  • Successful people don’t experience this

  • You are either all or nothing

  • You have nothing useful valid or original to say

  • You must not tell anyone about this

  • You must tell everyone about this

  • You’re not ready yet

  • You’ll never be able to pull that off again

  • It’s just a matter of time before this all crumbles beneth you

  • You can’t trust the praise of others

  • Fake it till you make it

  • Asking for help is for suckers 

Root into the truth of your capacity
Working with world changing leaders who don’t want to be held back by the imposter complex
Impeccable Impact
Show up for who you’re meant to be

6 behavioral traits of the imposter complex

  • People pleasing

  • Leaky boundaries

  • Diminishment

  • Comparison

  • Perfectionism

  • Procrastination

If you’re about to do something don’t just slip it into the water
How dare you hoard your good stuff
If you slip it into the water you’re guaranteed get slipped it into the water results and then that confirms the negative bias.

Understand what’s in the way of you taking action?
Cultivate circles of belonging
You’re impeccable impact is where we want to go
Rooted in integrity, presence and taking right action
Show up authentically, be obedient to our vision and to ourselves. 
When we give ourselves the same reverence that we would give others that’s when we are truly unstoppable.
We are willing to fail when we are rooted in tenacity and resilience
When we know which behavioral trait is our natural set point we know where the work is.

Imposter Complex Quiz


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